nCounter Analysis System

Join us at Sheffield University to dive deep into the nCounterR Analysis System. This reliable gene expression platform allows for multiplexing up to 800 targets using direct detection technology. With a straightforward workflow that requires just 15 minutes of hands-on time for most panels, and an automated benchtop system, you can expect highly reproducible data in less than 24 hours.

  • Robust performance on difficult sample types including FFPE, blood, and biofluids.
  • Accelerated turn-around times shorten time to market and/or publication.
  • Technical reproducibility on low quality RNA including FFPE and non-tissue samples.
  • Extensive menu of ready-to-ship panels designed with input from industry leading experts in the field


  • 11:30 Introduction to nCounter - Digital Gene Expression for Translational Research, James Freimuller, Bruker Spatial Biology
  • 11:50 Q&A and Closing Remarks
  • 12:00 Lunch & Networking followed by pre-booked project consultations

Come discover why this technology has been featured in more than 7,000 peer- reviewed publications.

More information and RSVP, please contact:

Book your post event Project Consultation by emailing James Freimuller at

For queries relating to collaborating with the Genomics teams at The University of Sheffield please email: