
Illumina Short Read sequencing

Illumina NGS sequencing (NGS) technology, enables rapid sequencing of RNA and DNA. For most applications, we might liaise with an external vendor to generate the data required.

We have the follow equipment available on-site for Short Read sequencing that is suitable for:-

  • Amplicon sequencing
  • library QC
  • small gene expression
  • targeted gene expression
Illumina MiniSeq Illumia iSeq 100
  • Output range: 1.65–7.5 Gbp.
  • 7–25 million reads per run.
  • 2 x 150 bp reads.
  • Output up to 1.2 Gbp.
  • 4 millions reads per run
  • 2 x 150 bp reads.

  • For queries relating to collaborating with the Genomics teams at The University of Sheffield please email: